Rescuing girls for a better tomorrow.
Thank you for your donations! We are supporting girls from not only Friends of AIC Kajiado Girls School in Kenya but to many other schools n Kenya… be assured your donations will be directed to supporting the girls that need it the most! Asante Sana!


Food & Water

We’re Celebrating 25 Years in changing lives!
Welcome to Beyond Bride Rescue Foundation
Many girls in Kenya are forced to marry at an early age and suffer female genital mutilation (circumcision). Beyond Bride Rescue Foundation works to rescue these girls and ensure they receive a warm bed, full tummy, and an education. They often come from impoverished homes, living in mud and cowdung homes, and are expected to become wives and mothers before they have even had a chance to be a child. Helping them with their education gives them an option… they begin in primary school where they will learn English and their national language, Swahili as well as all the subjects needed to change their lives. They learn sports … music …. and how to care for themselves. Other girl students guide them as well as gifted teachers who become their family. Often they cannot return to their homes so what happens then? Where do they go? Beyond Bride Rescue Foundation helps to launch these bright and lovely girls into a new future filled with hope and love. Help us change a life…..
Asante Sana… Thank You!
Celebrating 25 years
It is hard to believe that 2024 will represents 25th years of supporting rescued girls at AIC Kajiado Girls School, Kenya. I will never forget getting a hug from the…